Women’s Sexual Pleasure Month Declared

شباط 12 2011, تصنيف: Clitoraid NEWS
February 09, 2011
Women’s Sexual Pleasure Month Declared
by Jeff Schult

February has been declared “Women's Sexual Pleasure Month” by a worldwide group of Raelian women. We’d apologize for not having let you know this a week or two ago, but the Raelian Movement didn’t get around to putting out the press release until today, and we think that most of our readers know that we’re in favor of every month being Women’s Sexual Pleasure Month.

“February 14 is already known around the world for the celebration of love and sexuality, and February 6 is 'Zero Tolerance Day for Female Genital Mutilation,' said Brigitte Boisselier, Ph.D., spokesperson of the Raelian Movement. “Although Valentine's Day celebrates and reveres love and sexual pleasure, Zero Tolerance Day for FGM reminds us that even today, millions of women still endure extreme sexual repression and cruelty in Africa and some parts of Asia. But what's even more disturbing is that official studies show that only 40 percent of women in the Western world have a satisfying sexual life. To summarize, we're living in a ‘dead clitoris society’ and we need to encourage every woman to live her sexual life fully.”

Many Raelian women are already involved in the humanitarian organization Clitoraid, which helps victims of Female Genital Mutilation recover a sense of pleasure and dignity and obtain surgical assistance to restore clitoral functioning.

The press release makes no overt mention of the sometimes controversial Raëlian Church, but we don’t have to agree with them about UFOs and theology in order to ally ourselves with their views on sexuality. Spiritual leader Rael also appears to be the guiding force behind National Go-Topless Day!
