Clitoraid at Melbourne SEXPO in November 2011
كانون الأول 24 2011, تصنيف: Clitoraid NEWS

"What a joy to be able to share the amazing venture of Clitoraid at Melbourne SEXPO and what it has already done to change lives by restoring pleasure and dignity to those who have suffered female genital mutilation (FGM).
SEXPO is always so much fun and again this year we were well received by the public. It was beautiful to see the willingness of people to contribute to such a worthy cause. We raised $1658.30
For people here in Australia to learn that young girls suffered this barbaric practice preventing them to enjoy the pleasure of their clitoris was saddening, bringing some to tears. All women and men agreed it was something they would not like to be without!
A BIG THANK YOU to SEXPO who give their full support by donating the stall free of charge as they have done for the past few years enabling us to raise donations. The T-Shirts, badges and stickers were a great success along with many people signing up to receive the Clitoraid information update.
Thank you to Zabou Lotti the Oceania Coordinator who organises with Sexpo the stalls and merchandise to raise money. Your passion and love is beautiful.
I wish to thank all who played a part in what has been a true success: Lou, Tony, Jessica, Roy, Carol, Alf, and Deedee."
With love. Justine.